
Outlook Poshan In A New Avatar: A Letter From The Editor

By Ruben Banerjee February 04, 2021

Outlook Poshan 2.0 coincides and celebrates a momentous occasion in our collective fight against malnutrition.

Outlook Poshan In A New Avatar: A Letter From The Editor
Outlook Poshan In A New Avatar: A Letter From The Editor.

Dear Readers,

It is my pleasure to present to you Outlook Poshan in a new avatar: Outlook Poshan 2.0 . The changes you see—both in design and content—are not just cosmetic. Rather, Outlook Poshan 2.0 coincides and celebrates a momentous occasion in our collective fight against malnutrition.

When finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman in her budget speech on February 1 announced Mission Poshan 2.0, it underlined the nation’s resolve to deal with the growing scourge of malnutrition exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The significance of such a concerted mission cannot be missed. The nation’s health depends upon Poshan and this year’s budget has allotted to the Ministry of Women and Child Development, tasked with overseeing Poshan Abhiyan programme, a sum of Rs 24,435 crore. Out of Rs 24,435 crore, the finance ministry has earmarked Rs 20,105 crore for Mission Poshan 2.0.

It is worth spending every penny on Poshan.

Thus, Poshan 2.0 now includes the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS), Anganwadi services, Poshan Abhiyan, Scheme For Adolescent Girls and National Creche Scheme. Recognising that nutrition is dependent on various factors such as healthcare, efficiency of food supply chains, social security, welfare schemes, and even education for women and air pollution, the newest Poshan mission has adopted a more integrated approach to redress challenges that exist. It is with this mind that the government has hiked the allocation for the social services sector from Rs 2,411.80 crore to Rs 3,575.96 crore. Evidently, the government now realises that nutrition does not just depend only on delivering rations to people.

The Outlook group has always taken up issues for social good. Our Outlook Poshan 2.0—a first-of-its-kind micro-website wholly dedicated to the cause of Poshan—has been a path-breaking attempt in raising awareness on the important topic. We have been applauded and appreciated by those who matter, from the Hon’ble Vice President to activists who have been working on the ground.

The re-launch of our Poshan website, in partnership with Reckitt Benckiser, as Poshan Outlook 2.0 is a special occasion. It marks India’s renewed focus on Poshan while allowing us to rededicate ourselves in the battle against malnutrition. This is one battle we need to win.


Ruben Banerjee


