
Indians Demand Clean Air

By Pallavi Pant / IndiaAQ Hub September 02, 2020

A recent survey reveals that Indians widely support measures to eradicate air pollution, and how COVID-19 has played a monumental role in reducing it

Indians Demand Clean Air
Indians Demand Clean Air.

Results from a new survey supported by Clean Air Fund indicate that people in India broadly support measures for clean air. The survey was conducted in five countries- India, Nigeria, Bulgaria, Poland and Great Britain and the results
have been published in a new briefing called Breathing Space. The briefing highlights the close connections between COVID-19 and air pollution, and calls for governments to tackle them together in recovery plans.

In India, 1008 people were surveyed between May 22-28, 2020. Across India:

-The vast majority of Indians think air pollution directly affects their general health

-Air pollution is the number one public health concern for Indians alongside infectious disease

-The majority of Indians think living in an area of high air pollution will make it more likely an individual will be catch COVID-19, be severely ill and make it harder to recover

-The majority of Indians have noticed an improvement in air quality since lockdown

-The majority of Indians think air quality in their local area should be improved

-There is overwhelming support for policy measures to support clean air

-The survey found that 86% of the people are worried about air pollution as a public health issue, and 87% noted that they’ve personally noticed cleaner air since the COVID-19 pandemic began.

Read the article here:
