
Future-Proof Your Plate: But first Climate-Proof Our Farmlands, Farmers livelihoods & Our Shared Lifeline

By Moneetha Nair June 05, 2024

Let’s return to our roots, empower our farmers, and build a food system that nourishes not just our bodies, but our future.

Future-Proof Your Plate: But first Climate-Proof Our Farmlands, Farmers livelihoods & Our Shared Lifeline

Anjaneyulu, a shepherd of sorts, not of sheep, but of a more resilient kind - millets. These ancient grains, like generations before him, thrived on minimal water and poor soil. But tradition, like a river, can take unexpected turns. The whims of the market, unpredictable rains, and the lure of high demand crops coaxed Anjaneyulu away from his ancestral calling. He, like countless others, chased the mirage of stability in the form of peanuts. 

This exodus from millets isn’t just a story of a single farmer; it’s a national lament. A staggering 75% of India’s agricultural land is now classified as degraded, a consequence of unsustainable practices. Communities are withering, the climate is changing, and the future of our food security hangs in the balance. The “Millet Mania” of 2023, a fleeting brush with urban fancy, did little to quell Anjaneyulu’s scepticism. He saw through the fad, recognizing the city’s fickle appetite. Stability, for a farmer, is a precious commodity – rarer than a good monsoon these days. 

This is where Saytrees enters, offering a solution as rooted in tradition as it is revolutionary in its approach: Agroforestry. We offered him a path away from the single crop volatility, a chance to cultivate not just multiple crops and trees, but resilience itself. Unlike the unpredictable peanut market, fruits, like guava, promised stability – as he harvests over 160 kg of guava a month, translating to an annual income exceeding a lakh – all from a single fruit. His story is exemplary to the power of looking beyond the immediate, of embracing tradition with a touch of innovation. It’s a call to arms for all of us – consumers, policymakers, and yes, even fellow farmers, a chance to build a future that future, that will still have another farm asset in case the guava decides to disappoint as other crops can act as a buffer. Diversification is like a bulletproof cover for a farmland, protecting it from the unpredictable nature puppeted by the wrath of human induced climate change.  

It might sound like slow change maker, but nobody has time to wait for fruits to bear, the hunger of farmers is as recurring as ours and hence we integrate the concept of intercropping with multi-layer plantations to bring in more harvest days in the farmland, more income payoffs, and less farm holidays. It’s extraordinary but Saytrees’ agroforestry initiative isn’t magic; it’s a meticulously designed strategy with a proven track record. We focus on climate-proofing farm livelihoods by integrating fruit and timber species to restore degraded farmlands, working together with small and marginal farmers. Here’s how we do it: 

Ask: Understanding the Need - We don’t impose solutions. We begin by mobilizing farmers and actively listening to their needs. We assess land use, irrigation capacity, and conduct thorough soil testing to get a clear picture of the land’s health. 

Act: Co-Designing and Planting - We bridge the gap between traditional wisdom and scientific know-how. We work alongside the community and experts to co-design a plan that’s both practical and sustainable. This ensures the right sapling portfolio and roadmap are developed, minimizing risks, and maximizing success. 

Achieve: Building Capacity and Sustainability - Knowledge is power, and empowerment is key to long-term success. We invest in farmer confidence through capacity building and trainings, fostering a network of peer-to-peer learning through village gatherings. We believe in the power of community, and it shows – the success stories spread like wildfire, inspiring others to embrace a more sustainable future. 

Join Us in Building a Food System for Tomorrow

The question lingers: are we content to chase market trends at the cost of farmlands, leavings our food security precarious? Or will we invest in a future where our farmers are not victims of circumstance, but architects of abundance? Anjaneyulu’s story stands as a guidepost of hope, an exemplification that tradition and progress can, and must, co-exist. Stability can be found not in fads, but in the enduring wisdom of our ancestors, nurtured by the ingenuity of the present. 

Let’s make Anjaneyulu’s tale a turning point. Let’s return to our roots, empower our farmers, and build a food system that nourishes not just our bodies, but our future. 

Here’s how you can get involved:

Donate: Every contribution helps us reach more farmers and revitalize more land. Visit our website to donate. 

Volunteer: Lend a hand in planting trees, conducting workshops, or spreading awareness. 

Spread the Word: Share Anjaneyulu’s story and the power of agroforestry with your network.
