
Electric Vehicles Rev Up On Consumer Adoption

By H S Bhatia January 04, 2024

Despite increasing consumer demand for sustainable options, challenges such as range anxiety, charging infrastructure limitations, and initial costs persist

Electric Vehicles Rev Up On Consumer Adoption
Environmental impact takes centre stage, with 67 percent of potential buyers citing it as a significant motivator. Shutterstock

Achieving a notable milestone, electric vehicle (EV) sales in India surged past the one million mark within just nine months in 2023. This significant accomplishment, in contrast to the full year it took in 2022, underscores the rapidly increasing adoption of EVs in the country.

As of September 19, data from the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways’ Vahan Dashboard reveals that 1,037,011 EVs were registered, comprising a substantial 6.4 percent of total automobile sales for the year.

Driving Forces Behind the Surge 

The upswing in EV sales is not confined to individual buyers; business-to-business (B2B) acquisitions by EV fleet operators have also contributed significantly to this momentum. A confluence of factors, including initiatives like Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Hybrid and Electric Vehicles (FAME-II) and the expansion of charging infrastructure, is reshaping the automotive landscape in favour of sustainable transportation.

A recent McKinsey Report sheds light on the factors propelling the growing interest in EVs among consumers. Environmental impact takes centre stage, with 67 percent of potential buyers citing it as a significant motivator. Additionally, 26 percent recognise the lower total cost of ownership and reduced engine noise as key benefits of driving an EV. This attests to a shifting consumer landscape where sustainability now ranks among the top criteria for purchase decisions.

Industry Response and Innovation 

Despite the increasing consumer demand for sustainable options, challenges such as range anxiety, charging infrastructure limitations, and initial costs persist. However, these hurdles are catalysing innovation within the industry. This dynamic landscape is presenting abundant opportunities for the automotive sector to meet the evolving needs of an eco-conscious market, with technology playing a pivotal role.

Lower maintenance costs, integration of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), and semi-autonomous driving capabilities on highways are all contributing to the appeal of EVs. Furthermore, the rise of Connected Car Technology, with its over 60 percent year-on-year growth in India, is transforming the driving experience through features like over-the-air software updates, real-time traffic information, entertainment, navigation, and vehicle performance monitoring.

Environmental Shift 

A mounting concern for climate change and the ecological impact of traditional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles is steering consumer preferences towards electric mobility. EVs, renowned for their eco-friendly attributes, zero tailpipe emissions, and compatibility with renewable energy sources, are at the forefront of this shift. Government incentives and corporate sustainability initiatives are further amplifying the demand for these green alternatives.

In a bid to reshape the environmental impact of transportation, the Indian government has set ambitious targets for electric vehicle (EV) adoption by 2030.

To achieve its 2030 electrification objectives of 80 percent, or 22 million electric two-wheelers (E2W), India, guided by Nitin Gadkari, Minister of Road Transport and Highways, must enhance efforts. Key strategies involve standardising charging infrastructure, extending FAME subsidies, and implementing innovative financing solutions for the ambitious 2W electrification goals.

The EV30@30 scenario envisions EVs constituting 5 percent of the total vehicle population, aiming to avoid up to 25 million metric tonnes (Mt) of CO2 emissions by 2030.

In a more aggressive adoption scenario, where 50 percent of new vehicle sales are EVs, the potential emission savings increase significantly, reaching up to 43 million metric tonnes of CO2 by 2030. Both scenarios hinge on the assumption that India achieves its targeted 46 percent renewable energy generation in the electricity mix.

Reduced Battery Prices 

The adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) is intricately intertwined with the transformative shifts in battery economics. A significant development in 2023 underscores that both primary battery types, lithium iron phosphate (LFP) and nickel manganese cobalt (NMC), have experienced noteworthy price declines exceeding 20 percent.

Importantly, the impact of high manufacturing yields from Asian battery producers suggests that forthcoming price fluctuations will be more closely tied to raw material costs than to efficiency enhancements.

Given that batteries make up a substantial 15-25 percent of the final EV cost, the observed reduction in prices is poised to revolutionise the market landscape. The anticipated decline in battery prices, as projected by Goldman Sachs, positions the industry for a remarkable 40 percent decrease by 2025 compared to 2022.

This economic metamorphosis not only paves the way for more cost-effective electric vehicles but also plays a pivotal role in fostering widespread consumer adoption. The diminishing cost of batteries undeniably catalyses the rise of electric vehicles, marking a paradigm shift in the automotive industry.

Fast-charging Stations 

While the charging infrastructure in India has grown significantly, accessibility remains a challenge. The current state is characterised by multiple charge point operators with their own apps and frameworks, hindering widespread EV adoption. Challenges include substantial investments needed to expand the network, particularly in remote areas. However, innovations like fast-charging stations and home charging options are game-changers, promising convenience and flexibility. 

Rise of Female EV Buyers 

An intriguing trend is emerging as women, attracted by the convenience, safety, and advanced features of EVs, now constitute one in every four EV purchases. The quiet, serene driving experiences offered by EVs, owing to their engineless design, reduced vibrations, and low maintenance, are proving to be major draws for this demographic.

The Road Ahead 

The EV landscape in India is maturing rapidly, with evolving consumer preferences and robust government support. EVs are no longer a future prospect but a present reality, offering sustainability, cost efficiency, and advanced technology. The trajectory is set for further growth, positioning India’s EV market among the largest globally.

However, expanding charging networks, improving accessibility, advancing battery technology, and ensuring affordability will be crucial. Collaborative efforts among the government, industry stakeholders, and research institutions are imperative to overcome challenges and drive sustainable EV adoption.

(H S Bhatia, Managing Director, Kelwon Electronics & Appliances Pvt. Ltd, Manufacturing Partner for DAEWOO India)
