
Climate Action Starts With You: Small Steps, Big Impact

By Tanya Singhal May 01, 2024

Each one of us, regardless of our background or circumstances, holds the power to effect sustainable change

Climate Action Starts With You: Small Steps, Big Impact

In the vast expanse of the climate crisis—a seemingly insurmountable peak—individual efforts might feel like mere whispers against a storm. Yet, these whispers, when woven together, generate the winds of change. Significant global movements have often begun with single, seemingly small actions throughout history. Each choice we make in our daily lives plants the seeds of our values, which blossom into collective action that can fundamentally reshape our world.

Think about the profound impact of Mahatma Gandhi's 1930 Salt March, a simple act of walking to the Arabian Sea to make salt that sparked India's push for independence. Or consider Greta Thunberg, a young student who decided to skip school for climate action and, in doing so, ignited a global youth movement and brought climate issues to the forefront of public consciousness. These examples demonstrate a powerful truth: individual actions, no matter how small, can ignite global change.

Our world is interconnected, much like the Butterfly Effect, where small, localised actions can trigger significant, far-reaching repercussions. Every sustainable choice we make—whether it's refusing a plastic straw or opting for a reusable shopping bag—contributes to a larger, global shift towards sustainability. These actions, though small in isolation, when multiplied by millions, disrupt the status quo and pave the way for substantial environmental recovery. Transitioning to sustainable behaviours need not be revolutionary but rather evolutionary.

Small, consistent steps are the key. For instance, opting for a carpool or public transport over driving a petrol-fueled car can drastically reduce one's carbon footprint. A 50 km petrol car ride can produce 8-10 kg of CO2, equivalent to 50 percent of what a tree can absorb in a year. Extrapolate this to a daily 50 km petrol car ride for 500 million urban Indians per year; that's the amount of emissions even the whole Amazon Forest will take a full year to absorb! It's thus evident that small changes can have a catastrophic or restorative impact.

Similarly, choosing virtual meetings over flying can significantly reduce air travel emissions, with a single flight from Mumbai to Delhi emitting as much CO2 as 10-12 trees can absorb in a year. The diet also plays a critical role in our personal carbon footprint. A shift towards a plant-based diet or reducing meat consumption can dramatically lower the greenhouse gases one produces. These adjustments in our eating habits are not just good for us but for the planet too.

Simple actions like switching to LED lighting in our homes can reduce emissions to 1/6th of current lighting emissions. According to a recent study by the United Nations, if every household in the U.S. replaced one regular light bulb with an LED, it would reduce emissions, which is equivalent to taking 800,000 cars off the road for a year.

This is not about upending our lives, but fine-tuning them to be more mindful of our environmental impact.

Envision sustainability as a mountain we must climb—a journey that begins with a single step and continues with one foot in front of the other. We need not leap to the summit in a single bound but can achieve these heights through gradual, persistent steps. Each small, deliberate action is a step upward, contributing to the ascent towards a sustainable future. So, let us each define our personal climate pledges. Don't cut down on vacations, but what about opting for train travel over flights for one such vacation? Or converting one long-distance meeting per month to a video call? These can be parts of our individual routes up this mountain. We can still relish the beauty of our lives while making choices that protect and preserve the splendour of the world around us.

Each one of us, regardless of our background or circumstances, holds the power to effect sustainable change. It begins with recognising our potential to make a difference, one small step at a time. Just as countless tiny drops make a mighty ocean, so too can our collective small actions fill the vast sea of change. Are you ready to take the first step and make your contribution? The path to sustainability is long and steep, but together, we can make the climb.

(Tanya Singhal is the Founder of Mynzo Carbon & SolarArise.)
