
Circular Economy: Industry Perspective On Opportunities & Challenges

By Dr.Atul Sud June 02, 2023

Companies can pave the road for a more sustainable future by adding essential capabilities into their strategy such as design, reverse cycles, new business models, and enablers

Circular Economy: Industry Perspective On Opportunities & Challenges
Circular economy. DepositPhotos

It’s critical for businesses today to have sustainability at the forefront of their operations.  Companies need to embrace a more circular perspective that enables the world’s natural resources to be used sparingly and then renewed. Four fundamental building blocks make up the circular economy: design (material selection, long-lasting products, and simple end-of-life sorting), new business models, reverse cycles (returning materials to the soil or reusing them in the industrial production system), and enablers (policymakers, educational institutions, and financial institutions).

To enable and guide businesses through new regulation towards implementing the circular economy of plastics in India, Waste Efficient Collection and Recycling Efforts (WeCare) has emerged as one of the leading forums pro-actively moderating regulatory intent with the commercial objectives. WeCare is a consortium of 35 leading industry members that are committed to meeting objectives under Extended Producers Responsibility (EPR) as per Plastic Waste Management (PWM) Rules as amended from time to time. We collaborate with government, industry, civil society, and municipal corporations for sustainable management of plastic waste and acts as a prominent voice for Indian industry on the issue of plastic circularity.

Plastic circularity entails creating and managing plastic systems and goods in a way that maximizes their use and reduces their negative environmental impact. This can be done by using less plastic, recycling more, and coming up with creative ways to reuse or recycle plastic waste.

The Swachh Bharat Mission has been a critical driver for creating awareness among the masses. The guidelines for effective implementation of EPR for plastic packaging have complemented the larger aim of Swacch Bharat. Producers, importers, and brand owners (PIBOs) must fulfill EPR obligations by ensuring that plastic waste is processed through plastic waste processors (PWPs), as per an action plan to meet EPR targets.

WeCare believes in a multi stakeholder approach to facilitate a circular economy in the country, wherein youth engagement and citizen participation are equally important to bring about a behavior change. WeCare has had its Fellowship Program running for the last two years, which included activities ranging from essay writing competitions to creating artwork from plastic waste materials. This initiative received logo support from the Swachh Bharat Mission.

Over the last five years of EPR implementation, our collective experience shows that segregation at the source is key to a sustainable waste management system. For creating mass awareness, WeCare conducted information, education, and communication (IEC) activities in Chandigarh, Tamil Nadu, and Himachal Pradesh. We believe that industry’s efforts under EPR can have a multiplier effect only if they are supplemented by action by each stakeholder, ranging from local bodies, civil society organisations, state government authorities, and citizen participation. In fact, Indore’s remarkable journey as the cleanest city year after year owes much of its success to the unwavering participation of its residents and has instilled a sense of civic responsibility and pride in their city’s accomplishments.

On the occasion of World Environment Day, WeCare gives a clarion call to follow us on social media pages and join hands to create more partnerships.

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The Author is President, WeCare and Director- Legal, Regulatory & Govt. Affair, Perfetti Van Melle India
