
Battery Rejuvenation As A Key Element In Circular Economy

By Kavinder Khurana February 19, 2024

As the demand for battery rises, coupled with the surge in resource-intensive mining, environmental issues intensify. To address this, India needs to adopt a circular economy approach and explore innovative battery rejuvenation techniques

Battery Rejuvenation As A Key Element In Circular Economy
One potent approach to producing and consuming batteries sustainably is through the adoption of a circular economy. This concept focuses on minimising waste and maximising the value derived from battery materials, aiming to alleviate the strain on the planet's resources. Shutterstock

The world has witnessed an alarming increase in CO2 emissions in recent decades, largely attributable to our heavy reliance on fossil fuels. Severe repercussions, such as irregular temperature changes, geographical shifts, and the rapid melting of polar ice, underscore the pressing need for sustainable solutions. Efforts worldwide to address these issues are progressing, with a notable emphasis on advancing battery technologies. India, in particular, is exhibiting a proactive commitment to aligning with critical environmental goals.

According to Mordor Intelligence, the Indian battery market is expected to reach $16.77 billion by 2023, projecting a CAGR exceeding 10.56% over the next five years, ultimately reaching $27.70 billion. This underscores India's commendable efforts to meet emission reduction targets. However, a critical aspect affecting the efficacy of sustainability initiatives is the management of batteries. Environmental concerns are growing around batteries, including lithium-ion and lead-acid. If not properly handled at the end of their life cycle, they can contribute to e-waste. Thus, it's essential to highlight their positive role in sustainability when managed appropriately, distinguishing them from electronic waste. As the demand for battery rises, coupled with the surge in resource-intensive mining, environmental issues intensify. To address this, India needs to adopt a circular economy approach and explore innovative battery rejuvenation techniques. These strategies will be pivotal in promoting an environmentally friendly path and achieving ambitious e-waste reduction goals.

The Compelling Need for Embracing a Circular Economy

Today's automakers prefer employing lead-acid and lithium-ion batteries in a range of applications beyond electric vehicles (EVs). While a concerning number of discarded Li-ion batteries currently find their way into landfills, adversely impacting the environment, lead-acid batteries stand out as a more environmentally advantageous option due to their higher rejuvenation rates. This advantage positions lead-acid batteries as a key player in reducing e-waste and promoting the principles of a circular economy. One potent approach to producing and consuming batteries sustainably is through the adoption of a circular economy. This concept focuses on minimising waste and maximising the value derived from battery materials, aiming to alleviate the strain on the planet's resources. Within a circular economy framework for batteries, emphasis is placed on activities that conserve value, encompassing labour, materials, and energy. To ensure the continuous circulation of batteries, components, and resources, engineering practices that prioritise longevity, reuse, remanufacturing, and rejuvenation are pivotal.

In the context of batteries, a notable application of circular economy principles involves the revival of old lead-acid batteries through a charging process. This sustainable practice not only extends the lifespan of batteries but also contributes to environmental conservation by avoiding pollution. Moreover, since these old batteries are procured and sold locally, it augments a hyperlocal circular economy. By revitalising batteries within the community, this approach minimises environmental impact, aligning with the principles of circularity and contributing to a more sustainable and resilient local ecosystem. It's noteworthy to recognise that lead-acid batteries find application in various sectors such as inverters, UPS systems, solar power storage, telecom towers, golf carts, forklifts, and numerous other industrial applications. Thus, shifting away from the linear "take-make-dispose" paradigm, particularly in lead-acid battery use, is imperative, and embracing a circular economy approach becomes essential. This approach encourages not only revival but also emphasises the importance of reusing and renewing batteries across diverse applications, fostering a more sustainable and responsible use of energy storage technologies.

Environmental and Economic Benefits of Battery Rejuvenation

Cost Savings: An affordable substitute for producing new batteries is to recycle battery waste. Since recycling is more efficient by nature, it uses less energy and requires fewer resources than mining and processing raw materials to make new batteries. Rejuvenation of batteries saves costs by utilising resources that already exist, reducing the need to source, refine, and ship new components. In the search for effective energy storage solutions, this not only saves money but also adheres to sustainable standards, providing advantages for the environment in addition to economic savings.

Reduced Environmental Impact: The environmental impact of battery manufacture is greatly reduced by revival of battery waste. Since traditional production methods require a lot of resources, they naturally produce a lot of greenhouse gas emissions and damage the environment. Recycling reduces the need for new battery production, which in turn reduces the environmental effects that come with it. This proactive strategy emphasises the critical role of rejuvenation in creating a greener, more responsible energy storage ecosystem, while simultaneously protecting natural resources and promoting a sustainable mindset.

Job Creation: Lead-acid battery rejuvenation plays a pivotal role in employment generation through a multifaceted economic process that includes recovery, transportation, processing, and recuperation of valuable materials from end-of-life batteries. This approach not only supports the local economy but also provides employment opportunities for individuals with diverse skill levels. Job creation is imperative for the lead-acid battery revival industry, contributing to sustainability efforts and fortifying economic resilience at both local and broader levels.

Better Working Environment: Human rights concerns and hazardous workplace conditions prevalent in the mining and extraction of lead materials persist as critical issues. However, the rejuvenation of lead-acid batteries holds the promise of alleviating these challenges by reducing the demand for new lead mining, often linked with ethical concerns. Moreover, the revival of lead-acid batteries fosters a more ethical supply chain, aligning with principles of human rights and social responsibility. This shift towards sustainable practices in the lead-acid battery industry not only mitigates environmental impact but also contributes to a safer and more ethically sound working environment for those involved in the rejuvenation process.

Support for Renewable Energy: In terms of renewable energy storage, rejuvenating lead-acid batteries proves essential. This process extends the lifespan of batteries beyond their initial use in various devices, enhancing the impact of renewable energy initiatives. This practice also facilitates electrification efforts in both rural and urban areas, bolstering the transition towards renewable energy sources. Thus, by maximising the potential of lead-acid batteries, we can reduce dependence on fossil fuels, marking a significant stride towards embracing green energy practices and sustainable power solutions.

The Road to a Greener Future for India

While lithium-ion and advanced battery technologies promise a greener future, they present unique challenges, including rare metal mining and complex material recycling. Lead-acid battery rejuvenation emerges as a sustainable bridge, maximising the efficiency of our current battery infrastructure while minimising waste and environmental impact. Particularly vital in regions where new battery adoption faces constraints, rejuvenation offers a practical, eco-friendly, and cost-effective solution. It highlights the untapped potential for sustainability within existing technology, emphasising that significant strides toward environmental preservation can be achieved by revitalising the past. Lead-acid battery rejuvenation is a reminder that sustainability often lies in leveraging and enhancing what we already possess.

(Kavinder Khurana, Managing Director of Tesla Power India.)

