
Pioneering ESG Practices In The Steel Industry

Kairavi Mehta September 07, 2023

Steel companies are investing in recycling and repurposing strategies, ensuring that end-of-life products are not wasted but transformed into valuable raw materials for new steel production

Bracing Agriculture Sector With Tech

Burjis Godrej September 05, 2023

Adopting Dope Dyeing For Sustainable Fashion

Senthil Sankar September 04, 2023

Moving Towards Greener Scope 3 Emissions

Nitish Rai August 29, 2023

Scope 3 emissions can be categorised broadly as factors in the supply chain which are beyond the direct control of and scope of the manufacturer

Intricacies Of Carbon Credits As Unconventional Assets

By bolstering transparency, fostering accountability, and implementing robust standards we CAN bridge the gap between carbon credits and tangible commodities, enhancing the market's credibility and securing its role in combating climate change

Manish Dabkara August 28, 2023

Going Beyond Funding As A Philanthropist

Collaboration with partner organisations is vital in philanthropy. Learning from their work, recognising their challenges, and supporting them in achieving...

Harsh Mariwala August 26, 2023