
WHO Members Sign-off Steps to Enhance Global Pandemic Readiness

By Outlook Planet Desk June 03, 2024

The World Health Organisation has endorsed new measures to bolster global readiness for pandemics, including modifying the International Health Regulations (IHR) to improve access to financing and medical products for developing countries

WHO Members Sign-off Steps to Enhance Global Pandemic Readiness

The World Health Organisation announced that member countries have approved new measures to enhance global readiness for and response to pandemics such as COVID-19 and smallpox. They have also set a new deadline for reaching an agreement on a broader treaty. 

The countries reached a consensus to modify the IHR, which has not been updated since 2005. According to the WHO, the changes include defining the term "pandemic emergency" and facilitating better access to financing and medical products for developing countries. 

These decisions were made at the conclusion of the World Health Assembly, a six-day event. However, the assembly was unable to finalise a comprehensive pandemic treaty. This was due to disagreements between developing and developed countries, particularly regarding the equitable sharing of technology and disease-causing agents, a complex and sensitive issue. 

WHO said countries have defined a pandemic emergency as a communicable disease that has a “wide geographical spread” or a high risk and has exceeded or can exceed the ability of national health systems to respond. 

It's also defined as an outbreak that has or could cause “substantial” economic or social disruption and requires quick international action, the agency said. 

WHO legal officer Steven Solomon said the move to revise the health regulations does not take effect immediately but will come into force a year after Tedros formally notifies countries of the decision.
