
When Art Focuses On Climate Change 

By Outlook Planet Desk April 11, 2023

An NFT Collection shines light on how oil industry’s profits are responsible for aggravating climate crisis

When Art Focuses On Climate Change 
The proceeds from NFT collection will promote civic engagement through art and activism.

A well-known activist and artist named Elijah McKenzie-Jackson has released his first NFT collection, which includes three pictures of clowns. The collection "The Mockery of Money Behind Destruction" aims to increase public awareness of how the oil industry's revenues are used to fuel the global warming issue.

Three clowns are depicted in the collection's foreground, each bearing the names "CHEVy-RON the clown," "rEXXON the clown," and "SHELLdon the clown," which stand for the top three oil companies with the largest profits: Chevron, Exxon, and Shell. With a graph from Seeking Alpha showing the total return price of three big oil firms from March 2019 to July 2022, the backdrop image only has one main colour.

"The oil industry is one of the main culprits of the climate crisis, and yet they continue to prioritize profits over the well-being of our planet. Oil companies have a critical role to play in this "The oil industry is one of the main culprits of the climate crisis, and yet they continue to prioritize profits over the well-being of our planet. Oil companies have a critical role to play in this transition, and the IPCC report sends a clear message that continued investment in fossil fuels is not only environmentally harmful but also financially risky in the long run. Divesting from fossil fuels and investing in sustainable energy alternatives is not only the socially responsible choice but also the prudent one for long-term business sustainability." said Elijah McKenzie-Jackson. "Through this NFT collection, I hope to bring attention to this issue and inspire others to take action."

The NFT collection's earnings will support activist innovations and civic art in addition to spreading awareness. EMJ wants to use his platform to assist the work of other activists and artists because he believes that art has the ability to inspire change.

"I believe that art has the power to bring people together and inspire change," said Elijah McKenzie Jackson. "By using NFTs, we can create a sustainable model for supporting civic art and activist innovations."

Elijah McKenzie-Jackson's NFT collection will be available for purchase on April 23rd on various NFT marketplaces and mint from Manifold. For more information about Elijah McKenzie-Jackson's NFT collection and his work as an artist and activist, people can visit his website at
