
Well-Rounded, Stress-Free Education Key To Learning

By Outlook Planet Desk July 08, 2024

For students to succeed, coaching must step out of textbooks and empower them with life skills like time problem-solving, and time management with an emphasis on grooming well-rounded individuals

Well-Rounded, Stress-Free Education Key To Learning

Students today face immense pressure to succeed in competitive exams. This focus on academics often comes at the expense of their mental and physical health, leaving many feeling trapped in a relentless academic cycle of studies and exams. This has prompted experts to call for a major shift in education, advocating for a more holistic approach, and institutes like FIITJEE are taking notice.

The approach they recommend goes beyond textbooks and tests. It emphasises developing a child holistically and nurturing well-rounded individuals. This includes nourishing critical skills like problem-solving, time management, and even healthy habits. By providing a well-rounded education, students are better equipped to tackle not just exams but the challenges of life itself.

FIITJEE, a premier coaching institute, acknowledges these challenges. Through its unique courses, the institute strives to ensure its students become well-rounded individuals. It aims to provide rigorous yet relatively stress-free academic training that is affordable and inclusive, aligning with Sustainable Development Goal 8 established by the United Nations.

Schools and parents have a vital role to play in creating a more supportive environment. This could involve encouraging participation in extracurricular activities, promoting healthy lifestyles, and, most importantly, fostering a love of learning that extends beyond the classroom.

Investing in education is not just crucial, it's a necessity. This includes ensuring schools have the resources they need, like qualified teachers and modern facilities. R L Trikha, Director, FIITJEE Group, says: "Education remains the cornerstone, and not only is it important to impart quality education (goal 4 of the United Nations), but it also needs to be done in a way that breaks the cycle of poverty, reduces inequalities, and fosters gender equality." The time to act is now.

Experts recommend an approach that goes beyond academics and imparts knowledge holistically, empowering students with skills like problem-solving and time management. It can help them also to evolve simple strategies for dealing with examination pressures. The emphasis must be on ensuring that students have a thorough understanding of the fundamentals of different subjects, as this would equip them to cope with challenging problems in the future.

However, the fact is that many coaching institutes lack a proper balance between academics and other aspects of development like connecting students with similar interests and creating a culture that supports their ideas, thoughts, and academics.

Overall, a well-rounded education is key to student success. As experts emphasise, fostering creativity, empathy, and critical thinking skills enables students to face challenges and make the most of opportunities. For parents, educators, and society at large, the focus should be on creating environments that support and encourage comprehensive growth.
