
U.P. Creates Millet Jaggery As A Healthy Substitute For Traditional Jaggery

By Outlook Planet Desk June 20, 2023

This new form of jaggery would have a substantially higher mineral and vitamin content than traditional jaggery because it uses millets and coarse grains

U.P. Creates Millet Jaggery As A Healthy Substitute For Traditional Jaggery
Millets has the potential to help us achieve SDGs like SDG 2 (Zero Hunger), SDG3 (Good Health and Well-being), SDG 12 (Sustainable Consumption and Production), and SDG 13 (Climate Action)..

Using millets and other coarse grains, the Uttar Pradesh Council of Sugarcane Research (UPCSR) is creating a nutritious alternative to traditional jaggery that will be much richer in nutrients. To develop the technology for mass production, the institution is collaborating with postdoctoral fellow Suchitra Singh. Singh has been awarded a Sparsh Fellowship by the Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council.

The idea is to use women's self-help groups (SHGs) for product distribution and sales. The UPCSR will train SHG women to distribute and sell the new product after the technology is established, with an emphasis on the food products it can be utilised in. Prior to mass production, the product will first undergo market testing.

This action is consistent with the UN's declaration of 2023 as the International Year of Millets. The institute will commence training and provide infrastructure support for the SHG women. 

Due to the utilisation of millets and coarse grains, this new variety of jaggery would have a significantly higher mineral and vitamin content than conventional jaggery. Especially in view of the current craze for organic and healthful foods, this is an encouraging development. Undoubtedly, the partnership between UPCSR and SHGs will bring about employment opportunities and offer consumers a more wholesome and secure food option.
