
Sustainable Cooling Can Cut Emissions By 60 Percent, Transform Planet’s Future

By Outlook Planet Desk December 07, 2023

COP 28: A landmark report unveiled at the UN climate talks in Dubai suggests that decisive steps could reduce the power consumption of cooling equipment by 60 per cent and make a transformative difference to the planet's future

Sustainable Cooling Can Cut Emissions By 60 Percent, Transform Planet’s Future
The Global Cooling Watch report proposes measures to provide universal access to life-saving cooling, relieve energy grids, and save trillions of dollars by 2050. Shutterstock

A game-changing report prescribes measures to cut cooling emissions by 60 percent, translating into trillions of dollars in savings by 2050.

This approach could also provide universal access to life-saving cooling, alleviate the pressure on energy grids, and lead to trillions of dollars in savings by mid-century. These findings are a game-changer for climate policy and offer a glimmer of hope in the fight against climate change.

The "Keeping it Chill: How to Meet Cooling Demands while Cutting Emissions" report outlines measures to achieve sustainable cooling in three areas: passive cooling, higher-energy efficiency standards, and a faster phase-down of climate-warming refrigerants. By implementing these measures, sectoral emissions can be reduced by 60 percent. Additionally, rapid power grid decarbonization would help reduce sectoral emissions by 96 percent.

The report has been released to support the Global Cooling Pledge, a joint initiative between the Cool Coalition and the United Arab Emirates hosting COP28. Over 60 countries have signed up to the Pledge, committing to reduce the climate impact of the cooling sector.

"During the COP28 climate talks in Dubai, a new report was published by the UN Environment Programme-led Cool Coalition. The report, titled 'Keeping it Chill: How to Meet Cooling Demands while Cutting Emissions,' highlights the importance of implementing sustainable cooling measures in three areas: passive cooling, higher energy efficiency standards, and a faster phase-down of climate-warming refrigerants.

Furthermore, the report states that rapid power grid decarbonization would reduce sectoral emissions by 96 percent. Implementing these sustainable cooling measures is incredibly important to reduce emissions and increase access to sustainable cooling, particularly for vulnerable communities.

The Global Cooling Watch report proposes measures to provide universal access to life-saving cooling, relieve energy grids, and save trillions of dollars by 2050. Over 60 countries have signed the Global Cooling Pledge to reduce the cooling sector's climate impact.

The cooling sector needs to expand to protect people from rising temperatures, maintain food quality and safety, keep vaccines stable, and ensure productive economies. Solutions are available, and getting sustainable cooling right can reduce global warming and improve lives while saving money.

Cooling equipment consumes 20 percent of total electricity and is expected to double by 2050, leading to high electricity bills for end-users and more emissions. Adopting energy codes and higher standards for cooling equipment can reduce cooling demand and save money.

Finance is critical for affordable transition. Policies should prevent dumping low-efficiency equipment in developing countries, and banks should incorporate sustainable cooling criteria in lending practises.
