
Solar Power Contributes Record 64.55 Percent To India’s Total Renewable Energy Output In April

By Outlook Planet Desk June 04, 2024

The trend underscores the significant milestones achieved in India's journey towards sustainable energy, highlighting the dominance of solar and wind power and the nation's commitment to a cleaner, greener future

Solar Power Contributes Record 64.55 Percent To India’s Total Renewable Energy Output In April

In April 2024, India achieved a significant milestone in its renewable energy journey, with solar power leading the charge by contributing a remarkable 64.55 percent to the nation’s total renewable energy output. This achievement reflects India’s unwavering commitment to sustainable energy sources and marks a pivotal moment in its transition towards a cleaner future. With a total installed renewable capacity of 144.75 GW (excluding hydropower), India showcases impressive progress in embracing renewable energy. 

Solar energy emerged as the frontrunner, boasting an installed capacity of 82.637 GW, which accounted for 64.55 percent of the total renewable energy generation in April 2024. This surge underscores the rapid expansion of solar infrastructure nationwide, driven by government initiatives and supportive policies promoting clean energy adoption. 

Following closely behind is wind energy, contributing 25.39 percent to India’s renewable energy generation, totalling 4,729.26 million units during the month. With an installed capacity of 46,161.79 MW, the growth in wind power highlights India’s abundant wind resources and sustained investments in wind energy projects. 

Biomass, bagasse, and small hydroelectric projects collectively contributed the remaining 10.06 percent of renewable energy generation. Although their share is smaller compared to solar and wind, these sources play a crucial role in diversifying India’s renewable energy portfolio and reducing reliance on fossil fuels. 

Overall, the total renewable energy generation (excluding hydropower) for April 2024 reached an impressive 18,623.41 million units, indicating significant progress in expanding renewable energy infrastructure and integrating renewable sources into the national grid. 

India’s focus on renewable energy aligns with the larger sustainability objectives and commitments to combat climate change. By prioritising solar, wind, and other renewable sources, India aims to reduce carbon emissions, enhance energy security, and stimulate economic growth through clean energy technologies and industries. 

The success of solar and wind power in April 2024 is the culmination of years of concerted efforts to promote renewable energy adoption in India. Government incentives, subsidies, and policy frameworks have played a crucial role in incentivising investments in renewable energy projects, which would bring down costs, making clean energy more accessible and competitive. 

Technological advancements and innovation have further accelerated the growth of solar and wind power, making them increasingly viable alternatives to conventional energy sources. India’s renewable energy landscape continues to evolve, offering new opportunities for sustainable development and green job creation, from large-scale solar parks to decentralised rooftop solar installations. 

Looking ahead, India’s renewable energy sector is poised for continued expansion and innovation, with ambitious targets for renewable energy capacity addition. The 500-GW target of renewable energy capacity by 2030 signifies India’s commitment to a greener future. However, challenges such as grid integration, land availability, and financing constraints must be addressed to sustain the momentum of India’s renewable energy growth. 

Collaborative efforts involving government, industry, academia, and civil society will be crucial to overcome these challenges and realise India’s renewable energy potential. The dominance of solar and wind power in India’s renewable energy generation for April 2024 signifies a decisive move for a cleaner, sustainable energy future, paving the way for a greener and more resilient economy for future generations. 

In the coming future, renewable energy is poised to become the base power source with the help of storage technologies. The growing renewable generating capacity, especially in solar energy, is expected to continue at a double-fold pace, further solidifying India’s position as a global leader in renewable energy adoption. To capitalise on this momentum, continued investment in renewable energy infrastructure, supportive policies, and technological innovation will be essential.
