
PepsiCo and USAID Launch Gender Inclusion Initiative To Empower Women

By Outlook Planet Desk February 21, 2024

The initiative seeks to support women in agriculture and strengthen supply chains, called Investing in Women to Strengthen Supply Chains: A Global Development Alliance

PepsiCo and USAID Launch Gender Inclusion Initiative To Empower Women
Specialised training modules for women farmers focus on enhancing agricultural proficiency, utilising NDrip gravity micro-irrigation systems, personality development, safe chemical usage, menstrual hygiene, and basic digital literacy skills. Shutterstock

In a collaborative effort to deal with the challenges faced by women in agriculture and recognise their significant role, PepsiCo and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) have launched a pioneering gender inclusion initiative. This initiative, operating under the theme 'Investing in Women to Strengthen Supply Chains: A Global Development Alliance (GDA),' marks a significant step in fostering gender inclusivity within the agricultural sector.

PepsiCo India, a prominent entity in the agricultural domain, acknowledges the accomplishments of its gender inclusion initiative, kicked off in 2020 in partnership with USAID. This strategic alliance, committing a total of $20 million over five years, extends its impact across five focus countries, including India.

To date, 1,571 participants, comprising 735 women and 836 men, have undergone training as part of the 'Empowered Workers Training' programme. The comprehensive training regimen covers diverse aspects such as gender norms in agriculture and a spectrum of practices encompassing pre-sowing, disease and pest management, post-harvest management, farm safety, financial literacy, and farm record-keeping.

Specialised training modules for women farmers focus on enhancing agricultural proficiency, utilising NDrip gravity micro-irrigation systems, personality development, safe chemical usage, menstrual hygiene, and basic digital literacy skills. The introduction of solar-powered wheel-based sprayers provides a gender-inclusive and sustainable alternative to conventional heavy sprayers.

In collaboration with People's Action for National Integration (PANI), PepsiCo's programme has facilitated access to social security for 480 suppliers, family members, and associates. This includes enrolment in various government schemes such as micro irrigation subsidies, Ayushman cards, labour cards, post-matric scholarships, and old-age pensions, with the objective of establishing a safety net and enhancing the overall well-being of beneficiaries.

The GDA programme not only promotes positive transformations but also aligns with several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including SDG 2 (food security and sustainable agriculture), SDG 5 (gender equality and empowerment of women and girls), SDG 12 (sustainable consumption and production patterns), and SDG 17 (strengthening global partnerships for sustainable development).
