
Need For The Health Industry, Particularly Animal Health, To Lessen Its Impact On Climate Change

By Outlook Planet Desk April 21, 2023

 Amitabh Kant, the sherpa for India at the G20, reaffirms the value of an approach called "One Health" that takes animal, human, and environmental health into account.

Need For The Health Industry, Particularly Animal Health, To Lessen Its Impact On Climate Change
G20 Health Working Group Meeting.

The second G20 Health Working Group Meeting's side event, with the theme "Addressing the Challenges of Climate Change and Health: One Earth, One Family, One Future," was introduced by Parshottam Rupala, Union Minister of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry, and Dairy. In order to build climate-neutral and resilient health systems in line with the One Health philosophy, which recognises the interconnectedness of human, animal, and environmental health, the Asian Development Bank and the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare jointly sponsored the event. Also present was Amitabh Kant, the G20 Sherpa for India.

Rupala emphasised the value of a "One Health" strategy in his speech by highlighting the connections between the health of people, animals, and the environment. He reaffirmed the message of Prime Minister Narendra Modi that all people are connected to one another regardless of location. Rupala underscored the need for the health industry, particularly animal health, to lessen its impact on climate change and improve surveillance of diseases associated with animals in order to stop the emergence of health emergencies. He highlighted that zoonotic illnesses, which have significant effects on animal welfare, economic productivity, and human health, can be prevented and controlled by enhancing animal health and applying a One Health strategy

Kant underlined how linked issues like poverty, healthcare, and climate change are. He emphasised that the COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the close relationship between health and climate change, with the Global South being more vulnerable as a result of a high burden of communicable diseases and resource shortages. The G20 India Sherpa stated that thanks to digital initiatives like telemedicine and teleconsultations, which are viable options for a healthcare model that is climate-resilient, India has achieved enormous strides in the healthcare sector and has emerged as the global pharmacy. “India’s digital initiatives like telemedicine and teleconsultations are sustainable solutions for a climate resilient healthcare model”, he said.

The event was attended by senior officials of the Union Government, including Takeo Konishi, Country Director, ADB India, Sungsup Ra, Chief Sector Officer, ADB, and other dignitaries.

