
Need For Long Term Climate Finance : Bhupender Yadav

By Outlook Planet Desk October 22, 2021

At COP 26 India wants all important pending issues should be resolved mutually taking into account national priorities.

Need For Long Term Climate Finance : Bhupender Yadav
Need For Long Term Climate Finance : Bhupender Yadav.

Stressing on the urgency of strong climate actions the Union Environment Minister, Bhupender Yadav underlined the need for initiating the process of setting the long-term climate finance for post-2020 and the fulfilment of the goal of USD 100 billion committed by developed countries at the bilateral held in New Delhi with Frans Timmermans, Executive Vice President- European Green Deal, European Union.

Both sides discussed a wide range of climate issues relating to COP26, EU and Indian climate policies, bilateral cooperation between the EU and India.

On the upcoming COP-26 the Environment Minister stated that  in the COP 26, all important pending issues like Article 6, Common Time Frame, Enhanced Transparency Framework should be resolved mutually taking into account national priorities and circumstances.

Both sides acknowledged that India and the EU should work together to achieve a successful outcome of COP26 to enable full and effective implementation of the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement. 

Yadav also highlighted India’s ambitious climate action plans under the visionary leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi towards a green transition covering the priority areas of renewable energy, sustainable transport including e-vehicles, energy efficiency, forest, and biodiversity conservation. 

Applauding, India’s leadership on Climate Actions, Mr. Timmermans said that the whole World is in admiration of India’s ambitious target of 450 GW of renewable energy by 2030. 

Both sides may explore to further strengthen the bilateral cooperation on climate and environment, especially on ways and means which help in promoting low carbon pathways. 

