
India Takes A Leap Towards Sustainable Living With Green Credits And Ecomark Initiatives

By Outlook Planet Desk October 14, 2023

The Ministry of Environment launches programmes to reward environmental stewardship and promote eco-conscious consumer choices aligned with sustainability development goals

India Takes A Leap Towards Sustainable Living With Green Credits And Ecomark Initiatives
Administered by the Central Pollution Control Board in collaboration with the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), the Ecomark scheme is committed to precise labelling, eliminating misleading information about products and promoting ecological awareness. Shutterstock

In a move to champion sustainability and foster eco-friendly practices across the nation, the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change has unveiled two pioneering initiatives under the LiFE - Lifestyle for Environment' programme as introduced by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2021.

Notified on the 13th of October, 2023, the Green Credit Program (GCP) is a cutting-edge, market-driven solution aiming to incentivise voluntary environmental actions.

This transformative mechanism welcomes active participation from various stakeholders, spanning individuals, communities, private sector industries, and corporations.

To oversee the GCP's implementation, an inter-ministerial Steering Committee has been formed. The Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE) has taken the mantle of GCP Administrator, shouldering the responsibility for programme management, monitoring, and operation.

In its initial phase, the GCP is to focus on two pivotal activities: water conservation and afforestation.

Notably, draft methodologies for awarding Green Credits have been meticulously crafted, soon to be open for stakeholder consultation. These methodologies establish rigorous benchmarks for each activity to ensure consistency and environmental impact across different sectors.

To streamline procedures for project registration and verification, a user-friendly digital platform is in the works. Furthermore, the creation of the Green Credit Registry and trading platform, masterminded by ICFRE and expert teams, will simplify the registration process and open the doors to buying and selling Green Credits.

To secure Green Credits, individuals and entities must register their initiatives through the dedicated central government app/website, The administrator, through a designated agency, will perform verifications, while small projects can engage in self-verification. Once the verification is complete, participants will receive a tradable Green Credit certificate via the Green Credit platform.

Building on the Lifestyle for Environment initiative, the Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change has redefined its Ecomark notification, encouraging consumers to make sustainable choices when purchasing products.

Unveiled on the same day, the Ecomark scheme supersedes its predecessor, offering accreditation and labelling for household and consumer products adhering to specific environmental criteria while maintaining stringent quality standards in accordance with Indian norms.

Products that receive accreditation under the Ecomark scheme will guarantee minimal environmental impact, offering consumers the opportunity to make informed, eco-conscious decisions. Moreover, this initiative will drive manufacturers toward more environmentally friendly production practices, further contributing to a greener future.

Administered by the Central Pollution Control Board in collaboration with the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), the Ecomark scheme is committed to precise labelling, eliminating misleading information about products and promoting ecological awareness.

These groundbreaking initiatives signify a significant leap toward sustainable living and environmental conservation in India, promoting eco-friendly practices through both individual and collective choices. They are in perfect alignment with global sustainability objectives and reflect the government's unwavering commitment to environmental protection and conservation.
