
India Launches Forest-PLUS 3.0 Initiative To Combat Deforestation

By Outlook Planet Desk July 03, 2024

Did you know that nearly a quarter of India is covered by forests? These crucial ecosystems provide numerous benefits, but they are also under significant threats

India Launches Forest-PLUS 3.0 Initiative To Combat Deforestation

India’s forests are rapidly disappearing in the face of unsustainable agriculture and infrastructure projects. This urgent issue not only threatens local communities and wildlife but also exacerbates the climate crisis, contributing millions of tons of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. 

To combat the rapid depletion of India’s forests, the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) has joined forces with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to launch Forest-PLUS 3.0. This innovative set of land management tools is specifically designed to restore forests, assist farmers, and bolster conservation efforts, thereby playing a crucial role in the fight against deforestation and climate change. 

Prime Minister Narendra Modi praised the efforts to preserve India’s forests as "inspiring," emphasising the importance of forest guards in conservation efforts at a March 2024 event. The tools developed as part of the ongoing Forest-PLUS initiative are aimed at reversing deforestation, preventing forest degradation, and preserving biodiversity. 

Tools like the Van data management tool, which offers localised data to forest officers nationwide, play a central role in this initiative. 

Other Forest-PLUS tools enable authorities to accurately trace the sources of timber to combat illegal logging and help farmers identify the best agroforestry methods for their land. The latest iteration of the Forest-PLUS initiative, 3.0, strengthens sustainable forestry practices, thereby enhancing climate resilience and mitigation efforts. 

As part of Forest-PLUS 3.0, forest officials will utilise an expanded and enhanced Van mobile app to gather data and develop comprehensive, data-driven forest management plans, which will help forests absorb carbon dioxide, a major greenhouse gas, and aid in mitigating the effects of climate change. 

Simultaneously, the program will encourage local communities to actively participate in conservation efforts by training them to use the Forest-PLUS 3.0 tools. 

While Forest-PLUS 3.0 is a significant step forward, it is just one piece of the puzzle in addressing the climate crisis. The success of initiatives like this is reliant on collaboration across sectors, including renewable energy and green technology, underscoring the need for a united front in the battle for environmental preservation.
