
India All Set To Celebrate Global Wind Day

By Outlook Planet Desk June 08, 2023

In the lead-up to the event on June 15, the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) is supporting the Wind Independent Power Producers Association (WIPPA) in organising two important industry events

India All Set To Celebrate Global Wind Day
There are many benefits associated with large wind turbines. Depositphotos

This month, to commemorate Global Wind Day, the Union Ministry of New and Renewable Energy and the industry association of wind energy producers, WIPPA will host a global conference and a run for stakeholders. Every year on June 15, the world celebrates the day of the wind. In the lead-up to the event on June 15, the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) is supporting the Wind Independent Power Producers Association (WIPPA) in organising two important industry events: the Global Wind Day Conference-2023 in Pune on Thursday and the Global Wind Day run in New Delhi on Sunday. The goal is to improve public knowledge of MNRE and WIPPA's contribution to revitalising India's wind industry and to make them more visible, adding to the need for quicker progress.

Dinesh Jagdale, Joint Secretary in the Ministry of New & Renewable Energy, said in the statement: "India has significant wind energy potential. Even as the country's growth story unfolds across every sector, we, at MNRE, are playing an active role in facilitating industries and corporates to adopt renewable energy as a part of their overall electricity mix."

Wind energy will be a dominant resource that will offer a favourable regulatory framework to contribute to India's total RE targets, according to MNRE, which is dedicated to large-scale RE deployment.

According to the statement from Parag Sharma, founder and CEO of O2 Power and president of WIPPA, "Wind energy has huge prospects for us. The current environment is favourable for strengthening India's wind power. With a few additional supporting rules and regulations, this sector will soon be able to complement the other renewable segments in order to help India reach its net zero targets. Nearly 30 wind developers and Independent Power Producers (IPPs) in India make up the national organisation known as WIPPA. The association influences policy creation and policy changes and provides impartial views, proposals, and analyses to government and non-government entities involved in the industry. Its asset base totals more than Rs 60,000 crore, and its aggregate capacity is roughly 12,000 MW.

