
ICAR Signs Agreement To Boost Climate-Resilient Farming

By Outlook Planet Desk July 18, 2024

The Indian Council Of Agricultural Research Has Joined Hands With Syngenta Foundation India And Syngenta India Pvt. Ltd. To Build Capacity And Extend Practices In Climate-Resilient Agriculture

ICAR Signs Agreement To Boost Climate-Resilient Farming

The MoU among the three parties aims to advance training and capacity-building programmes focused on climate-resilient agriculture and agricultural skills through ICAR's network of National Research Institutes, Regional Stations, Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs), and Agricultural Universities. 

Dr Himanshu Pathak, Director General of ICAR, described the partnership as a significant milestone in equipping farmers and rural youth with skills for sustainable agriculture. "By harnessing the strengths of ICAR, Syngenta Foundation, and Syngenta India, we can make a substantial impact at the grassroots level," he said. 

The MoU outlines active collaboration between ICAR institutes, KVKs, SFI, and Syngenta India. KVKs will disseminate the training to a broader farmer base. The focus will be on building capacity and extending practices in climate-resilient agriculture, safe use of crop protection chemicals, and precision agriculture technologies such as drones, IT, IoT, and AI. 

Syngenta India’s sustainability goals higher yields with lower impact, regenerating soil and nature, improving rural prosperity, and sustainable operations align with the MoU’s objectives. Syngenta India’s extensive work in climate-resilient practices, including soil health and regenerative agriculture, will support the collaboration through its network of Agri Entrepreneurs and SFI. 

Susheel Kumar, Country Head and Managing Director of Syngenta India Pvt. Ltd. emphasised the importance of the collaboration, stating, "Our research and development, climate-resilient practices, and extensive experience with farmers enable us to make a significant contribution. This partnership is a decisive step in improving the quality of life for smallholder farmers and addressing climate change challenges." 

Dr KC Ravi, Chief Sustainability Officer at Syngenta India Pvt. Ltd., noted that the MoU aligns with Syngenta’s I Rise (Inculcate Rural India Skill Enhancement) initiative. This programme, which was launched with a pilot project in 2023, aims to train 1,000 rural youth in a threefold approach: educating them in agriculture, engaging them in the sector through various roles, and elevating their income. 

Rajendra Jog, Executive Director of Syngenta Foundation India, highlighted the collaboration’s potential, saying, "Our network of agri-entrepreneurs, trained in modern agricultural practices, will be instrumental in extending training to more farmers and rural youth." 

The partnership will promote efficient agronomic practices, support KVKs, agri-entrepreneurs, dealers, distributors, and farmers through education, and enhance mechanisation solutions in selected clusters. The parties will explore AI and ML techniques to provide advisory services, optimise input use, and reduce costs. 

ICAR staff and KVKs will be encouraged to publish training-related literature and conduct evaluations, with support from Syngenta Foundation and Syngenta India for printing and distribution. 

This collaboration marks a crucial step towards a more resilient and inclusive agricultural sector in India, with a focus on sustainable development and improved livelihoods through the IRISE programme.
