
G20 Leaders Endorse Goa Roadmap For Tourism 

By PTI September 11, 2023

The roadmap outlined the challenges, objectives, opportunities, and recommendations for tourism sector to achieve sustainable development goals

G20 Leaders Endorse Goa Roadmap For Tourism 
Aligned with the theme of India’s G20 presidency, iGoa roadmap underscores the role of tourism in society, the economy, and environmental stewardship. Shutterstock

G20 Leaders Declaration adopted in G20 Leaders' Summit underlined the significance of the Goa Roadmap for Tourism as a vehicle for achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The leaders also highlighted that tourism and culture play an important role in fostering sustainable socioeconomic development and economic prosperity. They called for full recognition and protection of culture for the achievement of SDGs. 

Goa roadmap, issued after the G20 ministerial meeting held in Panaji, Goa, aims to provide national governments in the G20 countries and beyond, as well as other tourism actors with voluntary tools and recommendations to leverage the sector’s capability to progress the SDGs. It seeks to support a safer, healthier, more sustainable and equitable future while taking into account national circumstances, needs and priorities. Aligned with the theme of India’s G20 presidency, it underscores the role of tourism in society, the economy, and environmental stewardship.

It focusses on five interconnected priorities identified and endorsed by the G20 tourism working group - green tourism, digitalization, skills, tourism MSMEs, and destination management. 

The ministry aims to implement the Goa Roadmap through education and awareness campaigns to sensitize the State/UT Governments and private stakeholders about incorporating key recommendations in their operations for the creation of more sustainable, resilient, and inclusive tourism. 

In the past week, Ministry of tourism, in collaboration with the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), launched the G20 tourism and SDG dashboard which aims to be a comprehensive resource, aiding nations and industry stakeholders in their journey towards achieving the SDGs through tourism. 

 ‘Tourism for Tomorrow’, a national competition will also be launched to identify best practices and case studies aligned with five priorities of G20 Goa roadmap, which have successfully been implemented, can be replicated and scaled up across the country. The competition will be launched on World Tourism Day on September 27.
