
Demand Grows For Green Skills

By Outlook Planet Desk January 27, 2024

Employers across the globe are increasingly seeking out individuals with green and sustainability skills to achieve their ambitious sustainability targets

Demand Grows For Green Skills
70 percent of employers express an urgent need to hire or have plans to recruit green talent, specifically individuals possessing sustainability skills in renewable energy, manufacturing, operations, and IT. DepositPhotos

A recent report by ManpowerGroup indicates a surge in the demand for green skills, surpassing the available talent pool as companies strive to recruit qualified individuals to achieve ambitious sustainability targets.

In an unprecedented trend, 70 percent of employers express an urgent need to hire or have plans to recruit green talent, specifically individuals possessing sustainability skills in renewable energy, manufacturing, operations, and IT.

Riccardo Barberis, President of ManpowerGroup Northern Europe Region, emphasised the critical nature of bringing people along on the sustainability journey. He stated, "Investments in green technology will only get us halfway if employers fail to skill and reskill workers properly to operate in a greener future. Prioritising workforce development must be a core pillar of net-zero strategies."

Based on surveys involving nearly 39,000 employers and over 5,000 workers globally, the report highlights a widening skills gap, the urgency of climate action, and various obstacles hindering progress. Despite the growing demand for sustainability skills, only 1 in 8 workers possesses more than one green skill, leading to a predicted expansion of the talent shortage as companies vie for skilled workers.

Certain industries exhibit a higher demand for green talent, with energy and utilities (81 percent), IT (77 percent), financials and real estate (75 percent), industrials and materials (74 percent), and transport, logistics, and automotive (73 percent) leading the intentions to hire talent to meet sustainability goals.

Talent leaders point out several barriers to their green transitions, including challenges in finding qualified candidates (44 percent), creating effective reskilling programmes (39 percent), and identifying transferable skills (36 percent).

Sustainability skills are poised to become a focal point in talent battles this year, triggering a surge in training and professional development demand. A Salesforce report notes that most workers perceive minimal investment in sustainability training, and employers struggle to find suitable talent to meet their goals.

In response, some sustainability-focused technology businesses promote fulfilment and purpose as part of their recruitment process, particularly appealing to younger workers seeking meaning in their work. The attraction of growth and innovation principles is heightened, especially when companies offer training and upskilling opportunities.
