
Conservation Agriculture Can Nurture Food Systems In The Face Of Climate Change

By Outlook Planet Desk August 01, 2024

With 2024 set to break all previous heat records, CIMMYT highlights the urgent need for sustainable food systems. New research shows how conservation agriculture can enhance crop yields while mitigating environmental impact

Conservation Agriculture Can Nurture Food Systems In The Face Of Climate Change

Record-breaking temperatures are intensifying the climate crisis this year, destabilising ecosystems, and stressing global food systems. On Earth Overshoot Day, CIMMYT (International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre) emphasises the urgent need for sustainable food production to address these issues.  

Food systems are a major source of greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to a third of global emissions. This exacerbates climate change and threatens food security, rural livelihoods, and agricultural productivity. Extreme weather events are further compounding economic hardships and food insecurity, while traditional farming practices are proving increasingly unsustainable.  

In the Western Indo-Gangetic Plains of India, traditional rice and wheat farming methods have led to soil degradation and increased emissions, with no significant improvement in yields. In response, CGIAR scientists and CIMMYT are championing Conservation Agriculture (CA) principles. These principles, which incorporate crop diversification and sustainable practices, have the potential to significantly enhance productivity and environmental health.  

Their eight-year study at ICAR-CSSRI in Karnal shows that CA-based methods can boost soil health, crop yields, and economic stability. These practices are applicable across the region and support climate resilience and sustainability.  

The ICAR-CIMMYT partnership is setting up long-term experiments to demonstrate CA’s benefits to farmers and stakeholders. This research not only aids climate change mitigation but also offers economic advantages through improved resource efficiency and reduced costs. 
