
Clean Technologies Can Impact 37 Million Livelihoods: Report 

By PTI May 19, 2023

Clean-tech-powered technologies have the greatest impact opportunity in Uttar Pradesh, followed by West Bengal, Bihar, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka

Clean Technologies Can Impact 37 Million Livelihoods: Report 
The clean technologies deployed brought out several social impacts as well.

Distributed solar or wind energy is not connected to the grid and provides power supply generated through these clean sources in a particular area. Grid-scale solar and wind energy are connected with the inter-state power transmission system.

"We came out with a scheme for solar street lights, rooftop solar...we need to expand this scheme...we are coming out with a new scheme for distributed (solar, wind) applications. That means we want to expand this," Singh said while addressing the National Summit on Powering Sustainable Livelihoods' here organised by Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW) and Villgro Innovations Foundation's Powering Livelihoods initiative.

The minister explained that there is already a lot of work happening on the ground and the new scheme could benefit lakhs of families across the country.

"We will, however, need large scale-manufacturing and standardising of distributed applications of renewable energy to lower prices and expand the sector. We have seen the potential of grid-scale solar power. India will scale up distributed applications of renewable energy for livelihoods," he said.

Just like India has a large programme on rooftop solar and solar irrigation, the country will create a large programme for DRE (distributed renewable energy) livelihoods, the minister explained.

The minister also said that the peak power demand touched a record level of 221 GW on Wednesday.

The minister said, "Today, the (power) demand touched 221GW. That is the largest level (of power demand). The (power) demand has been growing at 10 per cent. Last year, it was eight per cent. This year it is 10 per cent. No other country has electricity demand growing at such a rate."

He told that 82,000 MW of renewable energy and 50,000 MW of thermal power generation capacity is under construction.

Besides, he said India has 14,000 MW of hydropower generation capacity under construction.

"The government plans to make DRE livelihood equipment affordable. One aspect of this will be tying up with banks. If a family wants to own a solar dryer, they should be able to get financing from the banks – we will work towards it. Manufacturers and users of DRE for livelihoods are pioneers and now the government will scale it up to the next level," the minister said.

Singh released two new reports by CEEW and Villgro, which show that clean technologies have the potential to impact 37 million livelihoods in India's agriculture and textile sectors and translate into a market opportunity worth almost Rs four lakh crore (about USD 50 billion).

Further, 70 per cent of women and farmers using clean technology reported an income increase, typically by 35 percent. They use clean-energy powered products, such as solar-powered silk reeling machines, multi-food processors, micro solar pumps, and solar vertical fodder grow units, among others, to enhance and diversify their income.

Singh also launched ‘Suraj ka Gola’ -- a solar anthem produced by CEEW and Villgro.

The reports found that clean-tech-powered technologies have the greatest impact opportunity in Uttar Pradesh, followed by West Bengal, Bihar, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka.

But the relative market for each livelihood technology varies across states. For example, micro solar pumps have the highest market in West Bengal, whereas solar dryers have the highest market in Maharashtra.

Further, the CEEW-Villgro analysis highlighted that women form the majority of these clean tech users currently. 

Out of the 767 users surveyed across 19 states, 74 percent of respondents were women. The clean technologies deployed brought out several social impacts as well.
