
Chinese Brands Share Their Experience In Sustainable Development At 2024 UN Forum

By Outlook Planet Desk May 13, 2024

The 2024 Corporate Globalization and Sustainable Development Forum saw over 20 Chinese companies come together to discuss their stories of growth and development under the principles of sustainability

Chinese Brands Share Their Experience In Sustainable Development At 2024 UN Forum

The 2024 Corporate Globalization and Sustainable Development Forum took place on May 8, 2024, at the United Nations Headquarters. This event was part of the fifth series of activities of Chinese brands entering the United Nations.

 Over 20 Chinese companies, such as Geely, Luyuan, and Peak, along with other exceptional Chinese enterprises, shared their stories of how they developed and grew their brands under the principles of sustainable development. Yingqian Chen, a Moderator at the United Nations, moderated the forum.

The forum's theme was "Corporate Globalization and Sustainable Development", with the aim of promoting better social responsibility practices by Chinese enterprises, integration into the global market, and enhancing international competitiveness. 

Li Nan, Secretary General of the China Brand Innovation and Development Project, spoke at the United Nations Headquarters. Chinese entrepreneurs will showcase the story of China on the upcoming eighth China Brand Day. The project aims to integrate more Chinese brands with international advantages into the world stage.

Glenn Hodes, a Senior Adviser at the United Nations on Sustainable Development, emphasised the importance of creating new business models and partnerships, technical cooperation, and identifying investment opportunities that align with the 2030 Agenda. This inclusive forum aims to match the demand and supply of bankable investment projects through networking and information sharing to achieve sustainable development goals.

At the Forum, Chinese enterprise representatives led by Li Nan signed the "China Brand United Nations Declaration". They pledged to uphold integrity, innovation, environmental protection, energy conservation, sustainable development, social responsibility, and the inheritance of China's culture. More Chinese brands are going global and fulfilling their commitments to the world. The United Nations will safely keep the Declaration.

At the Forum, the Chairman of the World Association of Nongovernmental Organisations, Tageldin Hamad, delivered a speech in which he extended a warm welcome to the Chinese brand delegation and the guests and listed the economic, social and environmental changes that have taken place. 

Six business representatives from China shared their perceptions and experiences to show the efforts made by Chinese enterprises to promote sustainable development. Although they are in different industries, they agree with the value concept of a community with a shared future for humanity and implement the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals through actions in their respective industries. It has made outstanding contributions to the promotion of digital transformation, sustainable clean energy use, gender equality, universal education, health care and employment.

At the Forum, Tageldin Hamad, President of the United Nations World Association of Nongovernmental Organisations, awarded honorary certificates to Geely, Luyuan, Peak and other outstanding Chinese enterprises, recognising the efforts and contributions made by enterprises in the process of promoting sustainable development and brand globalisation, advocating more enterprises to assume social responsibility and promote the realisation of sustainable development goals.

The 2024 Corporate Globalization and Sustainable Development Forum not only injected impetus into promoting the sustainable development of enterprises but also provided a stage for Chinese brands to show their strength and style and laid an essential foundation for promoting more enterprises to go global. 

The NSMEC and the China Brand Innovation and Development Project co-sponsored a forum to create a communication and cooperation platform for SMEs. The China Brand Innovation and Development Project aims to build a bridge between Chinese brands and the world.
