
CHGS Measures By Dudhwa Tiger Reserve Helps It To Earn Carbon Credit Certificates

By Outlook Planet Desk September 24, 2021

The DTCF with the active support of the National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) and the Energy and Resources Institute (ERI) would encash the carbon credit certificates in the “carbon bazaar”.

CHGS Measures By Dudhwa Tiger Reserve Helps It To Earn Carbon Credit Certificates
CHGS Measures By Dudhwa Tiger Reserve Helps It To Earn Carbon Credit Certificates.

The greenhouses gases (CHGs) control measures adopted by the Dudhwa Tiger Reserve here, as part of the Paris agreement on climate change and the Kyoto protocol on carbon credit and trading, have helped it to earn carbon credit certificates, which can be encashed in domestic and global markets, an official said.

Sanjay Kumar Pathak, field director, Dudhwa Tiger Reserve (DTR), said, "A decision to encash carbon credit certificates in the carbon market was taken during the governing body meeting of the Dudhwa Tiger Conservation Foundation (DTCF) earlier this week."

He said the DTCF with the active support of the National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) and the Energy and Resources Institute (ERI) would encash the carbon credit certificates in the “carbon bazaar”.

Pathak said the encashment is expected to bring in Rs 10-15 crore in the next one to two years, which would be utilised in the conservation of Dudhwa forests, its ecology and wildlife and the development of tribal people.

The income would come to DTR through Dudhwa Tiger Conservation Foundation (DTCF), he added.

"Carbon credit certificate is awarded for keeping the environment temperature below two percent and emission of greenhouse gases below one tonne," he explained.

"The developed countries are eager to purchase carbon credit certificates from developing countries like India to abide by the Paris agreement on climate change," he said.


