
ASCI Unveils Guidelines To Combat Greenwashing In Ads

By Outlook Planet Desk January 19, 2024

The council has released guidelines to counter misleading environmental claims in advertisements, known as greenwashing, to protect consumers from deceptive green marketing

ASCI Unveils Guidelines To Combat Greenwashing In Ads
Greenwashing involves false or misleading environmental claims in advertisements across various sectors. DepositPhotos

The Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) has issued guidelines to take down misleading green claims in ads, popularly known as greenwashing. Effective February 15, 2024, these guidelines ensure that environmental claims are credible and transparent.

The guidelines, titled "Guidelines for Advertisements Making Environmental/Green Claims," have been in public consultation since November 16, 2023, and received approval in a recent Board of Governors meeting.

Greenwashing involves false or misleading environmental claims in advertisements across various sectors. ASCI's guidelines demand that such claims be specific to the environmentally beneficial part of the product or service. Advertisers must refrain from promising future green initiatives without concrete plans.

Absolute claims like "eco-friendly" must be backed by robust data or credible accreditations, while comparative claims should provide evidence of environmental benefits over previous products or competitors. General environmental claims should consider the full life cycle of the product or service.

ASCI emphasises the need for clarity in environmental claims, specifying whether they apply to the product, packaging, service, or a portion thereof. Certifications or seals of approval must be transparent about the evaluated attributes.

Visual elements like logos or colours associated with nature should not convey a false impression of a product's environmental impact. Advertisers are cautioned against making aspirational claims without clear plans and must disclose carbon offset claims within the next two years.

Claims of compostability, biodegradability, recyclability, non-toxicity, etc., should be qualified, and scientific evidence supporting these claims must be competent and reliable. ASCI's move aims to protect consumers from deceptive green marketing and ensure environmental claims align with responsible business practices.
