
$83 Billion Commitment At COP28 Heralds Turning Point For Global Climate Action

By Outlook Planet Desk December 09, 2023

COP 28: Nations, businesses, and institutions rally to raise funds to combat the climate crisis, signalling a new era of collective environmental ownership

$83 Billion Commitment At COP28 Heralds Turning Point For Global Climate Action
Declarations on agriculture, food security, health, climate relief, recovery, and peace further solidify the summit's commitment to tackling the interconnected challenges of climate change. Shutterstock

The winds of change are blowing through a climate-beleaguered world as the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) gathers momentum. Within just five days, this global summit has mobilised over $83 billion in pledges and commitments, setting the stage for a new era in climate action.

These pledges, transcending borders and sectors, represent a collective awakening to the urgency of our climate crisis. Governments, businesses, investors, and philanthropies have stepped forward, demonstrating a unified commitment to building a sustainable future. On the inaugural day of COP28, a historic agreement was brokered under the Presidency, operationalising and capitalising funding for Loss and Damage. This initiative aims to support communities on the front lines of the climate crisis, with an impressive $726 million already pledged.

A major milestone was reached with the replenishment of the Green Climate Fund (GCF), receiving a significant boost of $3.5 billion. This vital resource empowers developing nations to take concrete steps towards climate mitigation and adaptation.

Additional funds poured into crucial initiatives, including the Adaptation Fund, the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF), and the Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF), ensuring that even the most vulnerable communities are not left behind in the fight against climate change.
Beyond financial pledges, COP28 has witnessed the birth of transformative declarations. The Global Renewables and Energy Efficiency Pledge, endorsed by 128 countries, represents a collective push towards a clean energy future.

Declarations on agriculture, food security, health, climate relief, recovery, and peace further solidify the summit's commitment to tackling the interconnected challenges of climate change. These declarations go beyond mere words, serving as blueprints for collaborative action on the ground.

The UAE, playing host to COP28, has led by example. The launch of ALTERRA, a $30 billion catalytic fund, demonstrates their unwavering commitment to driving positive climate action. Their additional $200 million commitment through Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) and $150 million dedicated to water security solutions further illustrate their dedication to supporting vulnerable nations.

International financial institutions, like the World Bank, have also stepped up, announcing a $9 billion annual increase in climate-related financing for the next two years. Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) have also pledged to collectively increase their climate financing by over $22.6 billion, showcasing their crucial role in supporting climate action.

As COP28 continues, the world watches with anticipation. The momentum generated within these first five days is undeniable, offering a glimpse of a future where collective action paves the way for a sustainable tomorrow. While challenges remain, the progress witnessed at COP28 serves as a powerful catalyst, propelling us towards a greener, more equitable future for all.
